Post by GeoffPost by petrolcanPost by Bob LathamPost by ~misfit~(For instance right wing nutters here in New Zealand wear MAGA caps
etc. <shakes head in despair>)
This is somehow supposed to fix the none existent climate crisis.
That line ^^ pretty much invalidates anything else you have written.
And I'm not talking about the spelling.
Surely pretty much every line with there misrepresentation, extreme
You think seeing thousands of terrorist supporters and leftists
acolytes openly racist and calling for genocide of a people is a
misrepresentation? It isn't about the plight of Muslims being killed
by the way, there are many places in the world where Muslims are
being slaughtered in far larger numbers and have been for many, many
years with no protests. Why?
The problem here is simply that it's the Jews and hatred of them,
it's racism. And Jews fighting back after the indescribable horror of
last October that started all this. The Palestinians knew full well
what was being planned, the military tunnels and bases under
hospitals etc. they knew. They are culpable.
Where the west and Israel use arms to protect people, This lot use
people to protect arms.
Post by Geoffand conservative bigotry got it before the last line.
Quoting ministers. Is that that extreme now? OK.
I am aware of and sympathise with, people who have feelings more
associated with the opposite gender. I hold no malice for them or
anyone and I wish them well. If someone called John asks me to call
him Susan I'm happy to do that but if someone asks me the gender of
the person with a beard and a dress on, I will not deny objective
truth or common sense. Men cannot give birth, Women don't have a
If KNOWING that for 99.99999999% of the population there are xx and
xy types and no amount of surgery, drugs, lippy and high heels will
change that. Sex is immutable. You are born a sex and you will die
the same sex.
Gender used to be and still is a word that means sex. I recently
applied for a new driving licence and in a pull down menu it asked my
gender. When I saw that, I thought "here we go" but no, to my relief
the UK still has male and female gender licences.
So if that objective truth makes me a bigot, I'm proud to plead very,
very guilty as charged. The left's name calling behaviour has no
effect anymore, we see it for what it is. I only wish I had the word
skills and courage of J.K. Rowling.
As regards the climate, try as I might I cannot find ANY evidence of
a crisis. Once your remove the 'urban heat island effect' what's left
is easily explained by cloud cover and natural cycles plus the odd
natural event like volcanos. Climate change is about politics not
science. Nothing is happening to our climate that hasn't happened
several times in the last 2000 years and to more extreme.
Predictions for all the great and good for 50 years always, always,
ALWAYS, always come to nothing. Even single prediction total nonsense.
Polar bears - fine, great barrier reef absolutely fine.
Repent, repent, the end is nigh!
It's interesting that there is one climate model that isn't producing
absurd predictions and that one is I think Russian but it's secret is
that it understands the saturation of the CO2 heat absorption. It
doesn't see CO2 as the temperature control knob.
The ACC narrative has led to the corruption of science, kids are now
taught that Venus is very hot because it has a 95% CO2 atmosphere and
had runaway greenhouse gas effect.
The level of ignorance to think that is staggering.
The agenda is happy to teach that utter nonsense to innocent children.
Far too many cars, gas boilers and farting cows I suppose.:-)
It is indeed very sad and worrying that supposedly rational people
can demonise CO2 a trace gas 0.04% essential to life. To do so they
ignore history, and rational scientists and common sense.
We now live in the age of endarkenment, Facts don't matter any more
it's only feelings and axiomatic feelings that all "good people"
should have. Burning witches starts soon.
So carry on call me whatever names you like. Don't care I'm done with
bothering about childish name calling.